Quality MarkClubmark

HCC are proud to announce that today we received British Canoeing Club Mark Status and also their Quality Mark.

This is a great achievement as the process for accreditation has changed significantly and we are one of the first clubs in the region to go through this and with flying colours.

British Canoeing said of us:

“The club’s website is current, modern and inviting. It’s layout is great and is a fantastic example for other clubs as to how to get all the information across in a simple yet effective way.”

“The coaches and committee are passionate about what they are doing, provide development opportunities for all levels of paddlers and host many events and trips to keep members entertained.”

“Hinckley really is a great example of what a quality marked club should be and I am happy to award them their Clubmark status.”

Well done to every one involved, this is something to really be proud of.

