HCC Committee Meeting

Ashby Rd Sports Club
3rd April 2019 7pm

Attendees: Paul Morgan (PM) Liz Owen (LO) Neil Smith (NS) Katrina Smith (KS)

Robert Newitt (RN)

Fraser Watson (FW)

Lesley March (LM) Martin Stretton (MS)

Dale Clarke (DC)



At 7.05pm it was noted that the meeting was short of the required committee numbers and that the following Constitution item points would come into play:

“9.12) A Committee meeting shall be considered quorate if there are 50% of the current members plus one present (including the Chairperson or Vice -Chairperson).

9.13) If after fifteen minutes a Committee meeting has not achieved a quorum as defined in section 9.12, the members present shall form a quorum in order to the carry out the business of the meeting, all decisions made in such circumstances must however be ratified at the next Committee meeting”

Minutes & Matters Arising

The 2019 AGM Minutes were approved for publication on the website.  Action: KS to send to RN.

PM Welcomed the new Committee members and noted there had been lots of Committee activity since the AGM and thanked everyone for their efforts.

Apologies were received from RN, LM, DC, FW & MS

As a backup plan (discussed & agreed in previous meetings), the proposed new equipment Officer would be Neil Smith.  Action: to be ratified at next meeting,

PM to ask MS if he is willing happy to continue as a Member Rep

PM thought that the Committee should consider having another Member Rep.

PM proposed that KS be Vice Chair.  KS advised that this would need to be put before the rest of the Committee.  Action: Carry above items forward to next meeting.

KS asked about Safety Officer and whether anyone present knows anything about this role.  No one present did.  Action: KS to check out BC website and ask P Riley if he would be willing to retain this role.

Action log was updated with completed items

Club Admin

KS reported to those present what had been learnt from attending the National Club Conference at Nottingham.  It had been unexpectedly interesting and thought it had been very worthwhile attending and recommended that the Club should attend next year.  The date has been confirmed 14th March 2020. A workshop on BC insurance had been attended and KS tried to summarise the main points that was felt were relevant to HCC and implications of not having the required written records if using non-qualified Leaders and Coaches plus possible alternatives.  KS was keen to emphasize that nothing has recently changed but it was about the Committee being able to make informed decisions understanding possible implications however rare they might be.  BC have developed their website and were now requiring clubs to upload their membership details which would enable the affiliation to be renewed direct on line.  Club document policies would be uploaded to the Clubs own area.  KS had been given administrator rights whilst there and had also asked for LO to be given the same admin rights to enable membership details to be uploaded.  BC were trialling a new club portal system with some Clubs and if successful this would become more widely available for clubs to use for a monthly fee.  This would allow the setting up of Club events and methods of communicating to Club members.  As all the data would be with in the BC website this would mean they have the GDP responsibility and in theory there would be no need to retain any personal documentation once the details were uploaded.

There had also been a talk on club membership retention by a representative from a consultancy firm which had been working with BC.

There was some discussion on Google Drive and although it appears, we are finding our way around a bit better there still seem to be some issues on sharing and protection.  KS advised that for now we continue to use it but be open to other possible solutions.  It might be something to cover in the new four-year plan & whether the Club possibly investigates the new BC Club portal however it was noted that doing this would incur extra cost to the Club.

KS reported that she had started to create a document index that lists all the club documents together with the last revision date.  The website documents were now on a list but it is believed there are other documents to list that are on Google Drive.

KS had not been able to organise an update with Hayley on Club Mark but had discussed it with Laura Sutherland at BC at the National conference.  Laura had advised that we would be looking at being renewed in the Summer.  Laura had advised that it is not just a document check but to meet the requirements Club Officers would be required to be aware of documents and policies so what that will entail at this time is unclear. Action:   KS to endeavour to ensure a catch up with Hayley Clarke


Bank Balance £4732.78 + £20 to pay in

Internet banking was discussed and that PM reported LM’s main concerns.

Action: PM will make some enquires with different banks to see what options the Club has and to discuss further with LM.

NS asked for some guidance about what he could do or spend on kit / maintenance as it had been noted that getting approval on Messenger is sometimes difficult.  It was suggested that within reason anything damaged or broken like security or safety then the equipment Officer can replace / buy without permission.

KS brought up about Bookwhen and how it has been previously paid by Hayley Clarke and how this will be paid in the future.  KS has put her personal card details in as a temporary measure as it billed on a monthly basis.  DC had confirmed via KS that it is intended to continue using Bookwhen.

PM had received a request as to whether HCC would pay for a first aid course attendance due to being required to run trips.  Those present felt that to be fair this needed a majority Committee presence to be able to make a decision.  Action: Carry forward to next meeting


The working party weekend is planned for this weekend & some details discussed.  It was agreed by those present that the club will provide sausage & bacon rolls and tea & coffee for the volunteers.  Items to be purchased were split up between PM, KS and LO

It was agreed that Neil can source and buy security gate fencing to block in the canoes.

It was agreed for NS to source and purchase a suitable gate to fit the remaining container gap as a matter of urgency due to the canoe locks having been cut and container space needed for the returned equipment.


To be covered at the next meeting

Club Development

Need to ensure Junior sessions are more structured and include safety brief.

PM suggested new members are assigned Mentors or Volunteers available to help new people get kitted and made feel welcome.  An introduction and safety brief needs to be included for Beginners.

PM will look at the Development plan but it was suggested maybe to have a separate meeting to specifically discuss.  KS suggested this could include a new Member survey.

It was agreed to discuss about the Leaders List being made public and put on the website with the other club documents.

Jenna Saunders had been asked about the level 2 but can’t fit anything in until July.  Jenna had offered a possible weekend in May but PM and NS were not available.  PM advised he will revisit other Providers to see if he can get anything earlier.

No one present has been made aware of any communication from the sea Cadets so based on the fact that they had till the end of March to get in touch we are assuming that they will not be using the lake this year.


It was asked if there could be a separate membership for People who just want to do Trips or pay per trip.  It was agreed this would need discussion with the rest of the Committee present but was not favourable by some of those present.  Action:  Carry forward to the next meeting.

LO raised some GDPR aspects relating to having a disclaimer about photos on the social media.  It was felt that maybe more advice should be sought on this.  KS suggested contacting BC for advice.  It was agreed by those present to make the suggested modification on the membership form to include social media.

Club Communications

Nothing to report.


Questioned pro rata membership and whether it gets abused.  It was agreed to monitor and if was found to be an issue then membership numbers could be considered.

Due to lack of time and insufficient Committee Members it was agreed to discuss Michael Ward’s points to the Committee and Phil Burgess’ document at the next meeting

Meeting Closed 10pm

Next meeting             Tuesday 7th May 7pm Sharnford Arms, Sharnford. LE10 3PP