HCC Committee Meeting

Sharnford Arms, Sharnford
3rd June 2019 7pm




Paul Morgan (PM) Lesley March (LM) Mike Dallaway (MD)

Liz Owen (LO)

Dale Clarke (DC)

Neil Smith (NS)

Martin Stretton (MS)

Katrina Smith (KS)
Apologies: Robert Newitt (RN) Fraser Watson (FW)    


Minutes & Matters Arising

Apologies were received from FW.

The minutes from the May meeting were approved.


Club Admin

KS had been in touch with Laura Sutherland from British Canoeing and had received the latest Club Mark criteria last Thursday.  KS had not been able to email it round due to issues with laptop email.  Action:  KS to email criteria to everyone.  KS advised that it is different to the Sport England criteria, PM asked if it was thought whether it was tougher.  From what KS had seen it appeared to be just more discipline specific and therefore more geared to the Clubs existing policies and structure.  If everyone could have a read of sections that relate to their role it may help with updating documents.  As previously thought, there is work to do relating to member satisfaction and retention.



The strange communication from the bank has been resolved as it was a clerk error which meant too much money had been put into the account.  The bank has removed the excess amount.

There is £4681.93 in the bank with £400 plus £445.10 from PayPal waiting to be paid in.

There seems to be some confusion on the pro rata membership. LM advised that she thought it was only supposed to take effect from August which could mean the Club is losing out.  It was pointed out that the pro rata is used by new members in their first year only.  There was discussion about what is shown on the website.  KS suggested that the constitution be checked on this matter.  KS was able to check the document and advised the following from the constitution

6.1) Ordinary Members shall pay an annual membership subscription covering the period of a year from 1st April to 31st March.  Members not paying their subscription by 30th April shall be deemed to have lapsed their membership.

New members shall pay the annual membership subscription for the year on becoming an Ordinary Member:  The subscription will be reduced on a monthly pro rata basis for the remainder of the year.

This resolved the original query but resulted in discussion as to a Member who lapsed after 30th April then re-joined later in the year whether they would be able to use the pro rata rate.  KS thought that this statement gave members a month’s grace to renew their membership.  It was felt this should be clarified.  Action: KS to note a suggested change to take forward as a proposal at the next AGM.

The question was asked about having a rolling membership.  LM explained that this was how it used to be but was very difficult to manage & control.  Membership cards would help with this and if we went to an online system it might be possible to change back to this system.  It was decided to ask RN about progress of online membership and whether a rolling membership would be possible.  PM asked if Pay Pal could be avoided because of the extra costs.  It was advised any online payment collection usually involved service costs.

PM thanked LM & LO for going to the bank to organise the new signatures and internet banking.



NS showed the Committee the finalised missing kit.  LM provided some lists of receipts but thought some may have been disposed of but would have another look.  It is thought that bar some recent equipment most of the kit would have come from Leam Boat Centre.

Action:  PM will contact some of the Suppliers we have used to see if they have any records.

PM reminded the Committee that the only people who can sign kit out are the level 2 Coach on the day and the Equipment Officer.

NS asked if everyone was happy with the new security fencing.  Everyone expressed the Club’s appreciation for all the work he has put into it and acknowledged his skills had saved the Club a lot of money.



The Paddlesport Leader assessment date was discussed and it was agreed to support Richard to go forward in August despite not having enough people to fill the course.  The course Leader had offered an alternate to allow Richard to continue.  Other people including Katrina were interested but it was felt it would be too difficult to fit in sufficient training and trips before the date.  KS was still keen to try and get a group of women together to go forward as a group and had already spoken to some who were interested in doing the training.

KS & DC will look at running a series of SUP trips building up distance and to also incorporate the SUP award on the longer trip. KS to discuss dates with DC.  KS thought it would be a good idea to have a canoe come along on the longer trip.  If sufficient support was available it might be possible to have some of the junior members who have not yet done a trip join in the shorter trips to progress their paddling.  KS wants to look at some maps to investigate some different trips

The Leaders list was discussed and it was thought the list should only include Club members so it was suggested that the Penny Spooner should not be on the list. It was suggested a note be added to the list to say appropriate qualified Leaders who are British Canoeing members can run a trip although this was questioned but if necessary, could be changed to a friend’s trip.


PM had spoken to Andy Macrow and he is interested in Coaching and Leading.  PM had advised some financial help may be on offer but would require some return commitment to the Club.  Andy may be interested in running some play boating sessions for the more advanced Juniors at the lake as the competent juniors seem to be losing interest.

PM has 2 dates booked 15 June and half day on 23 June Dave Clarke will be the level 2 both weekends but need more coaches for 15 June.  KS advised she could be available for 23rd with Neil. Craft to be used: Kayak, SUP, Canoe.

£15 per head plus It costs £60 per day for the lake and it was suggested even though we may have a free day still charge the lake fee.  Based on 20 people this works out to be a total of £18 per person.


Club Development

Members, family and friend’s fun day provisional date 27 July.

It was asked about paying for Tony Kerr’s Coach assessment.  This was agreed.  Alice Smith, Stan Crane & Leigh Carne were suggested for Paddlesport Instructor course if they are interested. DC to investigate.

DC is having ongoing discussions with different groups for paddling sessions



LO had produced a sample membership card.  PM is preparing an email to send out to the membership about things we are working on and explaining why and asking for any feedback.  PM suggested if the card was a different colour for those with medical conditions but there was concern that this could been seen as discriminatory. It was thought to place them in a box with alphabetical dividers at the lake on club nights and picked up at the end of the session.  It was agreed to be a good idea for use on trips.  Cards handed to the trip leader and returned at the end of the trip.  The sample shown it was suggested that the size would need to fit in a wallet / purse.  The HCC design could be on the card as a water mark to leave more space for medical information if needed.

Current membership figures:

33 Trial members

3 Junior members

15 Family memberships = 53 members

31 memberships

PM suggested we should have more SUPs and think about doing Saturday sessions to raise funds for the Club.  There was a lot of discussion on this on how it could possibly work and how financially viable it might be pending what the lake costs would be.  It is something that would need discussion with Mick & Helen if it was felt we had sufficient Coach cover.


Club Communications

Nothing to report



  • Funding DC advised there are various funding possibilities so we would need to decide what we would want the funds for. Sport England for building projects.  Other funds for equipment.
  • It was reported that the decking BA notice & paddling on own rules were being ignored. NS is looking at doing bigger signs.  In order to expect the rules to be followed PM stated that we need to enforce the rules with everyone the same regardless of their paddling ability.
  • It was noted there have recently been some people with no shoes. Need to reinforce shoe policy.  Action:  PM to put a post out.
  • KS suggested creating an attachment for new enquiries to include the expected wear of shoes. Action:  KS would start to put some suggestions together during some holiday time next week.  A leaflet style attachment could then be made to attach to email enquiries.
  • Advertising – It was suggested finding out if a HCC sign could be put out at the entrance. Enquiries to be made as to what may or may not be possible.
  • KS advised she still needed to review MW feedback to produce a more detailed response.


Meeting Closed:      10 pm

Next meeting:           Mon 8th July 7pm Venue TBA