HCC Committee Meeting

Sharnford Arms, Sharnford
8th May 2019 7pm

Attendees: Paul Morgan (PM) Lesley March (LM) Liz Owen (LO) Fraser Watson (FW) Neil Smith (NS) Martin Stretton (MS) Katrina Smith (KS)
Apologies: Robert Newitt (RN) Dale Clarke (DC)

PM welcomed and thanked everyone for being able to attend the rearranged meeting.

Minutes & Matters Arising

The April minutes were approved.

Club Admin

KS & LM had a meeting with Hayley Clarke to discuss Club Mark.  From the meeting KS had been able to understand how the HCC had gained the accreditation.  Hayley down loaded the criteria from Sport England and the together each line in the four sections were reviewed and discussed as to how it could be shown that HCC meet the set criteria.  KS will copy the criteria and add an extra column to allow notes be written against each line as to how the club meets the noted points.  Most are satisfied by our website information or a specific policy.  Others may refer to normal Club procedures.  It does appear most of the work required will be to update the welcome pack, plus we need to demonstrate how HCC communicate with the members in relation to retention & information.

Armed with this information KS will now need to contact Laura Sutherland at British Canoeing to confirm that the Sport England criteria document is the one we need to be working from.  Action: KS to contact Laura Sutherland at British Canoeing.


Up to 24th April £5,131.94 in bank with some more to bank.

Internet banking was discussed & it was mentioned that it was an outstanding action in the current 4 year plan.  HSBC (HCC bank) does not have the best write up for Internet banking.

The advantage of internet banking would be that when items are bought for the Club or where expenses are required, they could be paid much quicker.  Receipts would still be required but these could be emailed to LM.

It was agreed the new HCC bank signatories to replace H. Clarke and W. Kendall will be LO and PM.  Action: LM to go into bank to find out more from HSBC online banking but also start the process of changing the signatories.  It was noted that a copy of the meeting minutes would be required as proof of role change over.  Action: The insurance renewal is due and LM has received an email and is organising payment


NS advised of what is missing and explained that he had phoned the insurance company to let them know and he was given a claim reference.  A crime reference number had already been provided by Mick & Helen.

The fencing is finished and some steel has been put across the top of the first 2 containers.  It is planned to put some across the other gap to help prevent canoes from being lifted up and over the containers,

Another new lock is needed Action:  PM has offered to get this.

It was advised that Mick is still waiting for a quote regarding running electric at the top end of the site.


The trip on the Barrow Loop was successful on Saturday with R Matthews leading.

There is a date for the canoe camping weekend,

MW is up to date again with his first Aid for trip leading.

FW is focusing on encouraging Trip Leader training and encouraging people to get involved as currently there are only a few people who can lead.

People are asking FW about Paddling but it is not allowing him to paddle for himself.

The Committee agreed to fund some Leader training.  It was asked if there was a training budget.  LM advised £1,000.  FW suggested that 4 people be put in for Paddlesport Leader Assessment.  FW advised that this would take the form of a two-day course with assessment which allows for lake and river assessment.  Names suggested for this were Richard Matthews, Neil Smith, Martin Stretton & Paul Morgan.  KS was interested but did not feel ready to do an assessment this year but did suggest possibly getting a group of Ladies together with a view to working towards this in 2020 with no end commitment required at this point thus not putting any pressure on anyone.  This would also be something that would be good for Club Mark.  Action: KS to see if some interest could be stirred up for this amongst other female paddlers in the Club.

It was agreed we should push FSRT training.

FW running a moving water safety day most likely to be at the MEM.

The Committee discussed MW first aid course support and unfortunately the club cannot afford to fund everyone’s first Aid and think it would be unfair to pay for one and not all.  Action: MW to be informed.

Club Development

DC unfortunately could not be present due to work but had messaged to advise he was looking at some funding and grant opportunities relating to helping with funding for a Clubhouse.  Following a practical evening at LOPC KS & DC have been recommended to BC to be able to run & award the new SUP Award.  A Members day on the lake is being organised and details when available will be advised.  Craig Duff from British Canoeing attended the last lake session on 2 May to discuss the new awards and was very impressed with the HCC setup.  Craig advised that he would send some material to help with changing information on the web site relating to the new award system.  DC is discussing with a few different groups who have asked about running taster sessions.


Membership total is currently 55.  If people re-join part way through the year then the full amount is due.  The need for emergency contact details on club nights and trips was discussed, LO suggested a membership number and this led to a discussion of having a card with name, emergency contact and any medical conditions.  Members would bring their card hand it over on the night go on the water then collect when finished.  FW thought they could be handed to trip Leaders instead of filling in the form.  Despite the possibility of people not asking for a new card if details change or forgetting to bring it was still felt the benefits would outweigh any disadvantages and it was agreed to implement straight away.  Action:  MS to help LO do a sample for next Thursday lake session.  A master list would still be available with membership numbers which would not have personal details on therefore still complying with GDPR.

Membership forms with full details would still be required and it was agreed to keep membership data for 2 years only then be destroyed

Club Communications

Need to update the web site.

Action: PM will make a list of items which need updating and would email Rob Newitt with some suggestions for website improvements.


  • It was suggested to update pictures on website.
  • NS asked if the club want a large SUP at £1K. Not at this time as it was thought it was a lot to spend on an item that is just for fun.
  • MS was formally asked to be co-opted as a general rep on the Committee again and he agreed.
  • After some discussion about Vice Chair KS accepted the position.
  • The constitution states temporary membership is for taster and beginner sessions only. It was agreed that we should trial it for Trips to encourage new members but there would be the £5 fee to cover admin as the temp form must be filled in (unless they are current BC members then it would not be needed).
  • Phil Burgess’ email was discussed and it was felt that some of the current actions were addressing some of his points. Action: PM to feedback discussions to Phil.
  • KS advised that MW message had not been completely reviewed. Action:  KS to revisit notes and message to advise on any outstanding items for discussion.
  • PM asked the Committee for thoughts on allowing NT to re-join the Club. The Committee debated for some time on this as views were quite polarised and ended up taking a vote.  The vote went against at 4-3.  KS made a suggestion that it could be reviewed again at the beginning of next season.
  • It was agreed that the 2020 AGM will be on 6th March at Stanton Lakes Action: KS to book with Mick & Helen
  • Family fun Day – PM discuss with DC.


Meeting Closed:              10pm

Next meeting:                   Monday 3rd June 7pm Sharnford Arms, Sharnford. LE10 3PP