HCC Committee Meeting

Nemo’s Bar – Function Room, Stoney Cove, Stoney Stanton

14th November 2019 7pm


Katrina Smith (KS)

Dale Clarke (DC)

Neil Smith (NS)

Robert Newitt (RN)

Liz Owen (LO)

Lesley March (LM)

Martin Stretton (MS)
Apologies: Paul Morgan (PM) 

Minutes & Matters Arising

Apologies had been received from PM, KS stood in as Chair:

KS thanked everyone for being able to rearrange their diaries to make the meeting.  Nemo’s Bar is now shut on a Monday over the Winter.  October minutes were approved.

Club Admin

KS advised that the affiliation documents were complete and ready to be added to the British canoeing portal and that the pool risk assessment was the last outstanding document.  DC advised that he had updated it and it was complete.  KS will get the documents uploaded to allow the affiliation fee to be paid.  It was agreed after some discussion that we should drop the boat licences from 10 to 6 based on the number of boats that get hired out at any one time.  Most members who stand up paddle board have their own equipment.  Action:  KS to complete the upload and organise getting the affiliation purchased.

Other documents outstanding are Pool Guide & enquiry information.  There is a lot of information on the website for potential new members but it does not seem to be accessed.  

Discussed counting enquires comparing with new member numbers

Hayley Clarke thinks she should step down as Welfare Officer as she is not around very often.

It was agreed to advertise Welfare Officer Action:  KS to put on Facebook tomorrow.

The Welfare Officer is appointed by the Committee and is not a nominated Committee position.

Nomination forms need to be sent out in November & reminders sent, plus check deadline dates as per constitution.  Action: KS to create form.

All to look at the constitution and feedback any changes so that any required changes can be included in the AGM agenda.  Action: All of the Committee


LM reported that the bank balance as £9573.39

This is made up from the Insurance claim money £1379 & £500 from the Blaby Grant

DC advised that the Club will be invoiced for the pool sessions.

KS handed over a bookwhen invoice for October.

NS paid £14 in cash for the sale of excess SUP paddle floats and gave receipts for £54.70 for misc items to repair equipment.

Stripe pays in money every week. DC is trying to sort so it can be paid in manually so that it can be reconciled more easily.

Web site hosting fee is 128.88 US dollars due 17/11/19 (£100.09)

MS asked for the club to pay for the child awareness course for the level 2 Coaching qualification.  This is not normally paid for by the club.  KS was concerned how it would look based on the fact that the people concerned are on the Committee.  KS felt that if this is paid all coaches and Instructors should be able to this paid for.  It was agreed to pay for child awareness course for the training Coaches based on the club putting on a safe guarding course for any Instructor, Coach or aspirant Instructor/Coach who wishes to have the certificate.  This could be funded from some of the grant money.


NS reported that the insurance claim is now complete & LM confirmed the money has been received.

A working party was held to check out kit

Mick & Helen have said no to a cabin at this moment in time.

NS asked if it was worth going direct to the land owner but it was not thought to be a good idea at this time.

NS had seen a dog group at the lake and was chatting to them, they are planning an open day in 2021 and there was a suggestion that we could have an open day at the same time.

NS had been to the container and found that lots of water had come through the ceiling in the middle container.  Canoe had water in and the seat in the canoe was really wet and mouldy.  This has been removed and cleaned and is drying out at his house.  This has shown that the roofs need attention asap.  There was some discussion about doing it as a working party but it was agreed to get some quotes and discuss again.  LM offered to get a quote.  Action:  Neil to send an email to Lesley with the details so that the quote can be assessed based on actual measurements.

A List of new equipment needs to be put together.  Action: if anyone thinks of equipment then let NS know so the list can be compiled and approved at a meeting to purchase.


Halloween paddle had 5 people

Great Haywood loop took place

Trip this Saturday will not happen at Matlock but looking at the Banwy

15 Dec NS planning on doing the upper wye as part of training.  Will be limited to 6

28th Dec Christmas Paddle on the Upper Avon

NS is booked onto moderate water leader training in 7/8 Feb with Paddle Plus.

DC is hoping to plan a Dart & Lakes weekend most likely after Christmas.

Club Development

Pool risk assessment has been updated Action: KS to send to RN to put on website

DC has successfully had an application accepted for Tesco token collection along with two other organisations the minimum amount awarded is £500 or £1000 or £2000 for the most tokens collected at 2 main Hinckley stores.  DC will put a notice on Facebook nearer the time to remind people to get family and friends to put the tokens in our box.


Current membership stands at 139 members.

LO offered to send out Nomination Forms.  Action: KS to send form to LO

Club Communications 

The Committee were super pleased for RN to be able to fit in a Committee meeting on his trip from Australia.  RN reported the SSL certificate was sorted this is the security padlock on the search bar for our web site.

RN advised the need to upgrade the theme of the website as it is not supported anymore which makes the club vulnerable to being hacked.  Need to find a new theme and it is best to buy one.  KS updated RN on BC plans to offer Clubs a ready-made portal albeit it still being trialled.  RN advised that in his opinion we are better to have an independent website as it will be much better for the club.

Rob advised if anyone is really keen to do the Communication role then he would hand over but is also happy to carry on but appreciates that there is some delay in getting actions done due to time differences.

On line membership can be done with an annual cost of approx. £150 plus hosting fee

The website Domain was set up by Martin Walker and payment is due annually.  RN suggested that this is changed over.

It was agreed to proceed.  The changes will ensure the website is robust and last for a good few years.

It was suggested to possibly increase the membership to cover the costs involved but then it was suggested using the Tesco money to start up the new website and this was agreed.  Action: RN to send information and new theme for review when found.  RN is keen to get these required activities ASAP.

Action:  RN & LM to liaise on how best to pay as and when the above items arise.


  • KS advised that she was looking to step down as Secretary as she wants to get back to spending more time getting more paddling experience and personally feels that she isn’t able to devote the time to continue with the role in the way she would like.  KS went onto to say she will still Coach and volunteer where possible.
  • LO asked what is the criteria for the Club awards were.  There are no specific written criteria and were mostly suggested and discussed and agreed by Committee.
  • Risk Assessment Level 2 listed for bank, look at change the criteria.  After taking advice we could cover it off by other methods such as a matrix, this would include pool.
  • DC asked whether people could advertise on Facebook.  It was agreed not to allow this as we would have little control and it could be interpreted that the club is endorsing whatever is being advertised.
  • Suggesting having an open Facebook group and a closed Facebook group, this was not thought necessary at this time.
  • KS advised the BC Clubs together Conference (14th March) workshop subjects were out and some may be of interest to the group.  Workshops on offer:
    • She Paddles
    • Clear Access, clear waters
    • Talent Development
    • Developing independent young paddlers
    • Developing Coaches and Leaders
    • Running a safe club
    • Recruiting and retaining members using social media
    • Using the awards to develop confident and competent paddlers
    • Regional waterways advisors

Meeting Closed:  21.45

Next meeting:      Thurs 5th December 2019 at Nemo’s Bar – Restaurant Area, Stoney Cove, Stoney Stanton