HCC Committee Meeting

Ashby Rd Sports Club
3 September 2018 – 7pm





Phil Riley (PR)

Lesley March (LM)

Katrina Smith (KS)

Martin Stretton (MS)

Neil Smith (NS)

Paul Morgan (PM)

Dale Clarke (DC)

Hayley Clarke (HC)

Apologies: Nikki Aldridge (NA) Robert Newitt (RN)


Minutes & Matters Arising

Dale advised his second name was incorrect on the last minutes.  KS apologised. Action: KS to correct.  The August minutes were approved.  Action: KS to send to RN to publish on website.


Club Admin

It was agreed going forwards the meeting notes would be circulated to all the Committee as soon as available and then be signed off at the following months Committee meeting. They will then be sent to RN to be loaded onto the website.  Action: KS



LM did not have latest figures to hand.  Action: LM to text figures to KS for inclusion in notes.

Post Meeting Note:

25 Jul – 24 Aug 2018

Bank Balance £7918.26 plus £862.40 to be paid in.

River Dart Trip Bunk house bill – 9 are booked on, need 12 to break even. Non-member booked on for bunkhouse.  Action: LM to let Fraser know how many have booked into the Bunkhouse.



It was agreed to sell the playboats as they are not used much and often end up being used for small children which are unsuitable.  The money would go towards the cost of buying 2 more dynamos.  PM advised that the playboats will either need some repair or be sold as they are.  Action: PM to review and advise.

Despite previously deciding to hang onto the Polo boats it was now decided to also sell the polo boats.  PR advised there were some Polo Facebook sites.  Action PM to get what he can for them.

PR reported that there was no further progress on getting keys back from Alwyn & Wendy.

Further to discussion at a previous meeting it was agreed to buy a further set of locks so that the same key will fit all locks and to have a new set cut for Committee Members.  The existing locks to be kept as spares in case a change was needed.

Action PM to visit locksmiths to get locks and 10 keys.

PM had priced up some SUP paddles and recommended getting a Red paddle at £65, this was agreed.  It was suggested that the SUP Paddles should be hung up blade up so that the water can drain off and reduce the risk of sinking if dropped.

Canoe floats to be put in container over the Winter

SUPs to be dried out and either de pressurised or let down.

Regarding the 12’ Sport SUP there is a place in Sussex who can repair.  Ian Jennings will drop off as he visits nearby.  Action: PM will see about costs of having it returned.

Painters on the canoes to be sorted on a work day.  It was agreed to replace them.  It was suggested using carabiners so that the ropes could be taken off & hung up.  If boats used on white water then they should be tied on for that occasion.

Discussions took place on extending the decking next year with additional new steps.  It was asked if the decking could be closer to the water or even have a floating deck.  This would need to be discussed at the meeting with Helen & Mick.



A few date changes, Scotland weekend moved back to November from October.

Curry night 21st September

It was reported that someone had messed about with straps holding on kayaks on a member’s car in the Stoney Cove car park.

It was clarified that at the previous meeting it had been agreed that a trip could be organised and run by a non-qualified member and assisted by an independent qualified person who could provide feedback to the Committee to assist in helping make an informed decision on granting approval for that person to potentially lead Club trips.  The same principle could be used for other disciplines.


Club Development

Mick & Helen want 2 separate meetings – one about Sea Cadets and the annual development meeting.  It was agreed to bring up in future developments discussion about having a large temporary structure such as a large garage/summerhouse type design as a clubhouse.  Action:  PM to investigate sizes & costs for the next Committee meeting so that

it can be discussed further before the meeting with Mick & Helen.  It was felt having something specific in mind or an example picture to show Mick & Helen what we have in mind will help gauge their response to our development ideas should future funds allow.

Sea Cadets – Mick & Helen are not happy with the Sea Cadets. They had the lake for free May & June but paid for July with August to pay for.  Mick & Helen want to be sure we are happy with the Sea Cadets before committing to any further bookings next year.  HC asked if the Committee are happy to facilitate the Cadets again next year if Helen & Mick ask.  All agreed but strongly suggested they pay in advance and a new agreement is put in place which they must actually sign.

KS had confirmed that Coaches are covered insurance wise by British Canoeing provided they are coaching within their remit.  If a HCC member is required or offers to volunteer to help out and they are not a recognised coach then it must be clear it is under the Sea Cadet’s Organisation.

The meeting with Helen & Mick is due to take place just after the October HCC meeting.



Nothing to report


Club Communications

It was noted that a Professional web designer has commented on how impressed they were with the club website.  This is an excellent acknowledgement to those who have developed the website from its inception to its current state.



  • Non-Swimmers – There was some discussion on whether the Club has a policy with regard to participants being able to swim. The level 2 & session Coach (who the non-swimmer would be with) to discuss on a case by case basis depending on the dynamic risk assessment at the time.
  • It was reported that recently it had been a little difficult to take the beginning of the session particularly the off-water section due to over enthusiastic bystanders wanting to support and help participants especially as the group had unexpected extras. It was advised if this occurs to let the Level 2 know so they can have a word.

It was also advised that no one should be on the decking unless they are wearing a BA.

Action: KS to make a laminated sign for 2019 season.

  • Social SUP for non-2-star members. KS advised that club social policy does not cover those who only come down to SUP when not on an organised session. HC advised this can be looked into in line with the 2019 BC award changes.
  • 3 Star Training Assessment status. After some positive discussion it was agreed that the Club should support and offer to pay for Fraser’s final coaching assessment.

Action: PR to discuss with Fraser Watson

  • Trips to manmade centres such as Nene. It was felt running official club trips is a little complicated due to the signing on process at the centres and needing an appropriately qualified person to sign people on if they are not 3-star standard. This has led to peer / friends only trips which has meant club boats cannot be hired.  It was agreed to allow club boats to be hired for group attendances on manmade centres.


Meeting closed at 9pm

AGM date 8th March 2018

Next meeting, 3rd October 7pm @ Ashby Rd Sports Club