HCC Committee Meeting

Nemo’s Bar – Function Room, Stoney Cove, Stoney Stanton
5th September 2019 7pm




Paul Morgan (PM)

Lesley March (LM)

Neil Smith (NS)

Martin Stretton (MS)

Liz Owen (LO) Katrina Smith (KS)
Apologies: Robert Newitt (RN) Dale Clarke (DC)    


Minutes & Matters Arising

August meeting notes approved for publication.  No further feedback received from Russ Smith BC

Action: KS will chase him up on the follow up items.


Club Admin

A5 leaflet reviewed, KS asked whether it should be adjusted based on the evening where we had so many extra numbers especially as the leaflet says you can just turn up.  Action:  KS agreed to amend the existing one after further discussions and to produce an out of season one with information on for general email enquiries.

After the Thursday where the club was almost overwhelmed with new people in particular Juniors wishing to have a go, there was much discussion including comments & feedback from Steve Lewis and Rachel Lancaster.  Various different ideas were discussed of how to have a plan to better control the numbers.

  • Junior numbers should be limited to the number of kayaks and or BAs / Coaches & support available.
  • Junior sessions could be split into 2
  • A new design sign on sheet was suggested with limited lines for each group. This would also allow Coaches to see who was signed onto their group and help keep count of the numbers,

Action:  MS to draft one up

  • Non-members /new people could possibly have to use a booking system for trial sessions?

PM suggested that more discussion should take place with the view to introduce changes next season.

It had been noticed that some children were under the age that we are happy to have on the water in a group.

With the large number of trial memberships LO suggested trial membership forms have a rip off section on the bottom with boxes.  This would be kept at the lake in surname order on so that whoever is booking on can ensure that the 3 trial sessions are ticked / signed off.  Action: LO to draft up

DC has removed the email question on the new joiners to the Facebook page.

Pool sessions – it was agreed to draft up some guidelines for Pool sessions, so that new members have a better idea of what to expect.  It was suggested that people who cannot make their session should let DC know to re allocate to a reserve list, rather than just putting it on Facebook.  Non-members should only to be allowed to have one session.  Action:  Discuss with DC to see if he thinks it would be manageable.

KS had produced a competition entry form for Juniors to design a badge and task and had given a couple of forms out at the Fun Day and there are more were in the container.  The end date was the end of the year which should give time to review the results and hopefully implement for next season if there is enough interest.  Prize giving will be at the AGM.



£6,900.42 in bank £467.35 to pay in giving a total of £7,367.77

NS handed over a receipt for the SUP Paddle floats £29.55 and a receipt for £29.99 a rechargeable light to use in the container.

Go Kayaking are sending 3 outstanding floats when they come into stock.  The Club SUP paddles will have the floats fitted and any spare will be sold off to members at £2 each.

DC reported via email that for £305 of income taken through Stripe, £6.87 had been paid in fees (2.25%).   As discussed with LM this is paid into the bank automatically every few days as opposed to us having to transfer it.

LM is concerned the new payment system with Stripe does not identify what the payment is for Bookwhen.  LM showed an example to KS and KS confirmed we would need a process to reconcile the payments.  If this is not possible then we may need to revert back to the previous system and accept the higher charges.

£149.33 has been transferred from PayPal leaving the PayPal account empty.

DC’s notes suggested using PDQ payment system.  A suitable one would cost around £80, no monthly fees with only 1.69% per transaction.  It was thought that as a club we should move towards being able to take card payments in the future.  KS suggested that it should be fully investigated and reported for further consideration.



NS explained the latest communication with the insurance was asking for the claim list to be correlated with the Insurance list.  This has been completed and emailed back to the Broker.

NS advised another working party may be required to fix boats. The repair forms are not being used.

KS asked if Committee can be allowed to sign out equipment to make it easier for trips but this was not this was not favoured.  KS felt that this was too restrictive.  Despite this it was decided that booking out kit is to remain Equipment officer and level 2 only no one else is permitted to do this.

It was reported that the Sport SUP fin screw has been damaged again.

PM suggested if KS and the Committee were in agreement that the Sport board be swapped for the board that KS owned.  The board KS owns is the same age as the Club boards and is in excellent condition.   KS suggested keeping the board for a further year to see how it goes but PM was seriously concerned that the board could be further damaged and would not want to have it repaired again.

KS offered to leave the room to allow all to discuss but everyone felt this was not required and were in agreement with PM.  Action:  KS agreed to the exchange and will change over at the next lake session.   Action:  NS to update Equipment list

FW had informed NS about a couple of Dynamos on Used Kayaks UK.  It was agreed to buy them if both were still available.  Action: NS to see if both boats are still available.

NS queried whether £10 was too much if only one item was borrowed when it was not a boat.

It was agreed to charge £5 if a boat was not required.

Action: NS to inform Levels 2s of the new charge for these items.

It was suggested that more Junior Bas & helmets are required.  Action:  NS to start a list of equipment to buy for approval by Committee.



FW has resigned but had submitted an updated Leaders List for approval

Jack Perry – DC not seen him paddle so felt unable to comment.

Action:  PM to discuss to with Jack what he wants to do & if he was still interested in working towards becoming a HCC moderate water Leader.

DC recommended KS as a flat-water SUP Leader after the two successful Club SUP trips– Agreed

NS would prefer to stay as a moderate water assist but would lead with another assist and would look to work towards becoming a moderate white-water leader.

MS would also prefer to stay as an assist but would also be happy to lead with another assist.

MS agreed to be co-opted as Events Officer until the AGM.

FW had also advised that the pool risk assessment needs updating, Action: MS & DC to discuss & update before Pool sessions are due to start.


Club Development

DC is away on holiday but has sent in a report.

We are getting good numbers at the lake attending and the courses are all full.  Thanks to PM for organising a good Fun day

FSRT will be finalised in the next few dates, it is likely to be Andy Oughton from LOPC/EMPaddlers on the 5th October

DC is organising a Paddlesport Instructor course over the Winter with Jenna Sanders.  The cost will be £590 plus lake fees for 6 candidates including fees.   It was agreed to fund this.  There are a number of potential candidates so it should be possible to fill a course.  A couple of them wish to pay for themselves as they feel they would find it difficult to commit the required amount of time.

It was noted that FSRT is a pre requisite for the Instructor course so potential candidates should be encouraged to attend the one the club is putting on.


Due to the numbers currently attending the lake it meant that some people on courses were having to use unsuitable boats.  Kayaks for courses should be put aside as it is important that if at all possible course attendees need to be in a boat that’s fits.  It was agreed that we should have a system in place for next season.



Membership stands at around 128 with a few forms to get off DC

DC has set up a membership option on Bookwhen as a trial.


Club Communications

Removing FW from Website, Members welcome pack.  Despite FW resigning and deciding not to Coach for HCC it was felt that it would be the right thing to do to ask FW if he wanted to be removed from the Coaches list.  Action: PM to discuss / confirm with FW.



  • MS reported that a decent wooden cabin could be sourced for £4k. This was thought to be a little too much.  LM asked if major purchases could be delayed to allow all the income & expenditure to be up to date
  • When there is a meeting with Mick & Helen the weed problem needs to be discussed.
  • DC gave MS £32 to sign off the Explorer group but is having problems using the system. MS will try again but if unable to complete will return the money to DC for him to do.
  • Sea Scouts no further action this year and is back in their court to get in touch next year.
  • Coaches meeting required to discuss the year and how the awards had gone and what the required standards should be for social paddling.
  • Allocated areas for groups to gather before getting on the water is required and need to further discuss signing on
  • Membership cards need to have the Club Mark logo removed. Same writing but slightly bigger.
  • British Canoeing ask for a date of birth on their system but HCC do not currently ask for this. Change membership form to include DOB for 2020


Meeting Closed:  10.00 pm

Next meeting:   Mon 7th October 2019 at Nemo’s Bar – Function Room, Stoney Cove, Stoney Stanton