HCC Committee Meeting

Meeting Held Online
7.00pm 8th February 2023




Kat Smith (KS)

Lesley March (LM)

Simon Boyton (SB)

Tony Kerr (TK)


Richard Matthews (RM)

Andy Griffith (AG)

Andy Boulton (AB)

Zoe Walker (ZW)

Martin Walker (MW)

Penny Spooner

John Spooner

Apologies:   Sam Willis (SW)

Mike Dallaway (MD)




KS: Welcomed John and Penny Spooner

Minutes Accepted

Bursary Applications

16 sent out by KS, 5 returned.

Andy Boulton / Neil Smth WW Leader, by August. Mike Dallaway Canoe Leader

KS to set up team for application consideration on transparent basis. JS / MW /TK



RM confirmed booking in order at Bricklayers, would be confirming numbers for food

LM: Accounts going to Auditor this week. A lake Activity in return is the fee for the auditor. We would also offer free membership, to £100 value


2023 Programme

Each week 1 taster group, rotating craft. Beginner, pass at level 1 then can access Supervised Social,

Then Exploere / level 2 being able to access Social paddling on pass.

Document will define standards for each level. Rolling group to allow flexibility, member can miss a week, pass when ready.

JS thought important to stick with Discover and Explore terminology

Need to include the provider fee for a certificate, and there is member confusion over full or associate BC membership

Add coach /PSI to the event so that they can see details of who is on their session

MCH refund at end of year if any balance on member’s account



4 year plan to restore reserve balance . No increase to trip kit hire

Junior £6 / session

Discover / Explore to include certificate £8 / session

Taster £8

Social / Supervised Social £3


Young Carers and similar lake session – no charge

Charge for lake  event £60 + £5 per head

External volunteer coach to be paid £25 for a lake event

Trips £3


Membership to remain the same


Meeting Closed 22.21