HCC Committee Meeting

Virtual Meeting Held On-Line
7.30pm Monday 9th August 2021





Andy Griffith (AG)

Lesley March (LM)

Richard Matthews (RM)

Katrina Smith (KS)

Neil Smith (NS)

Mike Dallaway (MD)

Paul Morgan (PM)

Tony Kerr (TK)

Liz Owen (LO)

Andy Mecrow (AM)



AG took the Chair in the absence of PM.  The July meeting notes were approved for publication.

Minutes & Matters Arising

KS Check with AM that he now has details for Dave & Paul for the DBS check. – Action: AG to confirm with AM what the status is. Action: MD to send his details through to AM.

KS is waiting for Dale Clarke to get back with Dates for the one-day First Aid course.  Action: KS Chase up after the holiday

COVID review will need to be done after Monday – short review needed. KS suggested we wait until the winter to review this as things may change. Action: AG to follow up over winter.

LM requires the contact details of auditors from LO. Action: AG to check with LO.

Letter from Dave with Junior session suggestions.  It was commented that there were some interesting suggestions that warrant further discussion. KS suggested that a sub-group look at this and we action it over the winter. We need to identify who will lead with this. KS suggested that the sub-committee should look at costs and present back to the club. Action: AG to review over winter.

Action:  KS send an email to committee members re Dave Beecroft to ask for their thoughts


Up to 24th July, £3,976.47 in the bank account. LM still to pay in the £90 from the scouts. AG to transfer across to Bank Account.

KS needs to raise an invoice for the Round Table and will send it straight to them. We charged them £5.


SUPs – one came info a demo and MD asked if we are buying now or over the winter. KS tried one last week, but she did not feel it was very good. This model is quite cheap. KS suggested that anyone can try different SUPs and make suggestions. PM, KS, and AG can help out. MD has been recommended Family SUP’s and they have offered to do a demo on a Thursday evening. AG suggested we do this as an over winter project to keep an eye on 2nd hand SUP’s. Also, we may see offers from manufacturers.

Action: KS will email Phil Hadley to see how much a Red Board would be, as the boards we got were significantly discounted.

KS suggested that we might need more than 2 boards. Emma Sparks has had a problem with her board and the manufacturer suggested the glue could be run around the seams. The sunlight can discolour the glue and cause it to perish. Action: MD to discuss with Martin Stretton.

Electrics – MD has spoken with Mick and they have agreed to catch up at the end of August with a view to putting this in during September / October timeframe.

MD will also set up a working group to add a floor to provide a changing facility. He would also like to move some equipment into the other areas to make the centre storage locker to store all of the clothing. MD also asked for hangers and paving slabs. RM has some available and MD asked if these can be available in 6 weeks or so.

Stoney Stanton Parish Council is offering grants for anyone that benefits the Stoney parish, such as the SUP’s or internal electrics. Action: LO to examine the membership data to see how many live within the parish. Action: KS will email them to see if we can get more information.

MD has bought some more items for the work on the containers and will be buying more to finish off. Before we spend any more, we will check the costs for changing facilities.

MD asked about doing a Family Day, 30th Aug is the Bank Holiday weekend. LM asked how many free days we have, and NS suggested we have quite a few. NS and KS will be away on 30th Aug, so we could do something in Mid September. The committee suggested this could be the season opener next year. KS suggested we could do a BBQ on a Thursday evening, as a finishing session. Lighting may be an issue – need to think about this. We normally go onto the end of September. Action: KS/NS to advise when the last lake session will be.


Loughborough Loop and Stratford to Bidford – successful trips.

24th August – NS has tried to get the lake for an Explore session for those that will have finished their Discover course.

CH would like to arrange more trips, but NS is not available for these.

Lake Session Coordinator.

KS is happy that things are setting down and we are using the spreadsheet in Google Drive. We have had some limited coaching support but are now back to normal. Availability for September will be sent out.

Taster sessions are still causing issues, certain members are using these to go with friends. Juniors at the moment are for members. KS suggested that splitting the taster and beginner sessions is the preferred approach. Certain people have asked to go with their friends on the taster/beginner sessions. SUP’s are an issue again, with people expecting they will get SUPs in the various sessions.

KS and MS discussed the possibility of us considering removing the Juniors from Thursday night and doing their sessions on Saturday mornings. This is assuming we could get enough volunteers to cover these sessions. This would add a cost to the lake rental and puts pressure on the coaches to be available on a Saturday. This may be a “future” item. We could have a survey or an event for the coaches.

KS raised the question re the taster sessions and if we should continue these to the end of the Lake sessions. We will continue to run these and monitor uptake.

KS suggested that we have a “lessons learned” session.

Coaching Officer Development

Ladies FSRT – all attendees have been registered with BC.

KS will discuss first aid with Dale.

KS will discuss with Ken Hughes re White Water safety and rescue.

AG raised the Safeguarding course, and this is cheaper doing it online. The online course is either basic or advanced. The basic course is fine for volunteers at the lake but if they are running/helping with Juniors they need the higher level. Also, if they are coaching then they need the higher level.

Club Communications

Bookwhen has the option of enabling cancellations and transfers – so we switch this on to let members sort themselves out? It can be selected not to show any refunds during cancellations or transfers. KS suggested that we should have a reasonable refund period, so refunds are provided if the cancellation or transfer is made 24 hours before the booking session closes, to give ample opportunity for other people to book the session. Within the 24-hour period, no refunds will be given. LM suggested that we should refund the total, less the Stripe fee on a per transaction basis. RM suggested that we should review session costs and incorporate stripe fees into this, which could be presented at the AGM.

KS asked if the Stripe transaction can include the processing fee that is emailed to the person making the booking. Action: AG to investigate further to see if this can be added to the receipt.

AG discussed looking at other systems, BC offers a solution, which needs investigating. We will set up a session to discuss requirements. Action: AG to set up a sub-group over winter to investigate other systems for the club.


Nothing raised.

The next committee meeting will be Monday 6th September. AG to make sure PM is available to run this.