HCC Committee Meeting

Virtual Meeting Held On-Line
7.30pm Monday 14th June 2021






Paul Morgan (PM)

Neil Smith (NS)

Andy Griffiths (AG)


Katrina Smith (KS)

Jonathan Pope (JP)

Andy MeCrow (AM)

Mike Dallaway (MD)

Lesley March (LM)

Apologies: Tony Kerr (TK) Liz Owen (LO) Richard Matthews (RM)


Minutes & Matters Arising

KS apologised to JP for the spelling error of his name in the last minutes and JP had pointed out that his thanks of appreciation were for organising the Paddle Sport Instructor Course and not the FSRT as read in the draft minutes.  PM advised Child Welfare Officer was incorrect should have been Club Welfare Officer.  The Minutes have been updated.

KS mentioned that at the previous meeting the April minutes had not been approved.  The minutes were approved along with the May notes with the amendments discussed.

KS advised that we still need a new Secretary even if it was a Volunteer to type up the notes (if recorded) if they didn’t want to attend.  We may need to alternate the meeting notes around the Committee.  Action:  PM to put another post up for help

Action:  KS to send meeting notes to AG for publication.


Club Admin

KS was not aware of any other admin.



Up until 24th May £5785.44.  Does anyone object if LM claims expenses for ink for the printer, currently paying £5.29 have printed 256 copies from Feb and she has been advised to upgrade to £9.99 a month.  This was agreed.

Waiting for an updated members list from Liz

A Griffiths will provide a stripe transaction list.

KS asked if LM had received an invoice for the FSRT.  First FSRT & Paddlesport Instructor invoice have been received.



Nothing to report on kit. Already has been already agreed to get 2 more Junior SUP Paddles.  A surf kayak has been pointed out to MD at a reasonable price £180.  MD asked if there was a set process for agreeing new kit or member proposed kit.  There is no process, it is discussed and agreed or objected.  Action:  Send link for surf kayak to AM.

JP asked about number of SUPs re booking for social and courses.  Normally block SUPs when there is a course.  There had been problems with booking SUPs on Bookwhen.  AG has changed list of equipment available for Thursday sessions.

One of the SUPS was noticed that it may be leaking.

KS advised that Members should check the pressure before going on the lake.

NS reminded the Committee about the offer of a boat and some equipment that was offered to the Club.  This should be followed up to see if it is still available.  Action:  MD will forward the details to PM.



Stratford to Bidford Trip is this weekend which is fully booked.

Members day on 26th but only 8 people booked on, may not be worth doing.  MD asked about 4-week delay on COVID to 19th July.  Need to make a call on this discuss further in the meeting.

Banwry maybe fully booked but need to check.

LM asked about the £2.00 fee for trips and £2.50 for the Lake and should it not be the same?  It was confirmed the trip cost is £2.00 as this is a new fee it was agreed that it should not be changed at this time.


NS advised he had run a peer trip to Matlock for people interested in helping to assist on trips or interested in leading in the future.  JP asked if they were supposed to be assisting but NS advised that in order to assist, they need to have an awareness of how Leaders work and this works well by giving them ago at it.  In time after assisting regularly they can easily progress onto a Leadership award if they decide they enjoy doing it & want to progress.

If they are still interested in assisting, then they would be reviewed by Committee for sign off & added to the list. NS advised that Chris Hill was a potential and the other three people had expressed how it felt strange having to lead so may not be ready yet.


Lake Session Coordinator.

JP suggested a list of core sessions that would be prioritised




Multi week Courses – run rotationally

Need some SUP courses

Need a Coach to take an explore course from 1st July.

Can we run a course broken up with another Course taker as we do not have an available Coach? We think there are people to fill the course.

Discussed about whether an extra week is needed & NS advised the Juniors participating sometimes need the extra time as they can be easily distracted.  It was thought this could be group dependant.  Judge it on the group.

Due to lack of Coaches in July it was suggested that there is an extra week.  It was agreed to put the Explore date back then they can do 2 weeks have a break and another 2 weeks.

PM to advised availability for bank duty on 22nd July.

Regular Sessions but not guaranteed

Beginner and start Sessions not every week but at least twice a month.


While JP has a provisional plan, it is not cast in stone so that there is some flexibility.

Occasional sessions

Trail sessions

Youth groups and 3rd Parties

Special interest sessions such as rescues 29th July


It was agreed to start allowing trial sessions from 1st July.  It was agreed to make

3 sessions consecutive (£15) then after that if they wanted to carry on, they would have to join.  This might help in managing the number of taster sessions people have.  These sessions will be shared between Rory, Chris and Jonathan.

Round table party scheduled for 5th August.  If AM has an additional PSI then they would be able to have 16 participants max.

PM has had an enquiry from a school but he is awaiting more detail but this may need to take place on a Saturday

July 24th may be very limited due to availability of Coaches


The Scout group session was discussed and how to organise so that the extra numbers so not impact in Members getting kit and getting onto the water.  It was agreed that they would start on the bank and move up to the containers at 6.16pm when most will have got onto the lake.  KS & JP to do Scout group £7.50 each will be wanting to a badge.




Coaching Officer Development

The Ladies FSRT is already full & organised with the Lake.  KS had received some comments from other members wishing to do a FSRT and it is thought it is worth adding another date.

Action:  KS to organise another FSRT date

Dale Clarke has offered to run a one-day Aquatic First Aid course. He will run this at cost to the Club as this will help him get signed off.  It may be possible in the future he will also be able to do the 2 day one.  The one day will only suit those who help at the lake.  Those who are level 2 Coaches or equivalent and Trip Leaders have to do the 2-day course.  It has to be renewed every 3 years.  We will have to be clear about the course so as people choose the correct course.  Waiting for Dale to give some dates.

KS had enquired with Neil Dixon (previously used course provider) and he charges £400 but on top of that are additional costs for course material and disposable lungs plus we would need to provide an indoor room for one day.  Maximum numbers for this course are 12.

Some Coaches and Leaders need to renew in October.  Estimated costs could be £66

It was agreed we could work with Paddleplus to ensure places are filled.

We will definitely go with Dale for the one-day course and it would be open for anyone in the Club to attend.



Unable to attend no report


Club Communications

Things seem to have settled down with using the booking system.

Is there any reason why we can’t allow access to booking until Saturday?  This has been to make it fair access to all and stop the same people booking weeks ahead.

JP is concerned if he doesn’t have Coaches the courses can still be pulled.

Need to allow sessions to be seen but not booked onto until Saturday.

What is the refund policy?  People should not be refunded unless special circumstances.

Current shut off for booking sessions is Wednesday evening, due to some member feedback about not being able to book on it was asked if we should we allow bookings until Thursday lunch time due to people leaving it late to book on.

The issue is having enough time to print off the list for the gate and to inform Coaches have many they have in their group.

It was agreed to close bookings at 14:00 and AG will then privately message out the lists and produce a printed list for the gate.  It was agreed only the Gate person needs a physical list.

Action:  AG said he could provide some stats for JP so he can see what sessions are most popular.

COVID pages are still on the home page – does this still need to be there? It was agreed that they could be moved.

A paddling journey document has been started and KS has provided some feedback.  The document will need some more work and input from other Coaches.



  • JP – None
  • AG – Picked up a comment from a members post about working shifts and going to book only to find the session fully booked. Hopefully this might be partially mitigated by closing the bookings on Thursday.
  • LM none
  • MD – none
  • NS – Following on from TK comments about too much chat on the Messenger group and maybe people could message each other directly in some cases, it was recommended turning on mute then just catch up when you can. If anyone needs me to contact me direct.  PM advised it is all good to discuss direct but do use Messenger group if It’s something that requires group agreement.
  • AM – Is still waiting for people to complete the DBS form and to send him documents.
  • PM – Asked do we need a Coach for the social group? KS advised they do not have to be physically with the group but monitor the lake for areas that cannot be seen or heard easily from the bank.  g.  At the bottom of the lake and behind the island plus ensuring people are not getting off the water anywhere they should not (except in emergencies) and are not paddling on their own or helping transfer individuals to different groups.

Action: KS to check Risk Assessment to see if anything is written & discuss at the next meeting

We have a club phone. The sim card is not working so we would need a new one.  It looks like it has never been used.  IT was bought for Club trips and for Club enquires. MD suggested a phone number could be used and forwarded to someone.  It was also so that no-one had to put their personal number on the website.  It was felt that as it had not been used for so long that there was perhaps not need.

Safeguarding BC are happy to do a course now but with COVID conditions & those attending to do lateral flow tests.

Have a July date. Max numbers are 16 people, cost would be £425.  PM to ask who is interested in doing safeguarding to see if we have sufficient interest max numbers.  Could ask Paddleplus if numbers are insufficient.  There is still the online workshop option through UK Coaching at £35 each.

Junior fun sessions were discussed for those that want to play rather than just paddle.  Paul Hunter & Dave Taylor are keen to help and have offered to run the session.  They will need DBS check.  A PSI will also help out.  Action:  PM to send details to AM so that he can send details for DBS application.


  • AG Equipment rental – Not an easy way of paying for equipment hire. Would have to set up a specific ticket.  MD advised that we also need to physically sign equipment out so we know what has gone out and come back.  Bookwhen just captures what is required & deals with payment.

Pick up on a Thursday night and return before session starts on the following Thursday or by special arrangement

Equipment Trip Fees were clarified to be:

Full Kit £10 Half kit £5

Junior full kit £5 Junior half kit £2.50

Full kit is boat & paddle

Half kit is BA & helmet


Meeting closed 21.40

Next meeting

Mon 12th July